The Best Recipes

...are final drafts of documents, like an RFP for Recreation Software, Special Event Permitting Guide, or a Marketing & Communications Plan - thorough, well-crafted, and ready for action.

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By sharing your recipe, you're not just whipping up a treat, you're also dishing out a helping hand to a fellow park pro! Just make sure it's all mixed well with our Terms of Service.

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Welcome to Parks & Recipes

Written by:
Published on:
January 3, 2024
Read time:

Pickleball isn't your only focus


Our journey began with a simple belief

That the knowledge and expertise accumulated within Parks and Recreation departments are “recipes” meant to be shared.

Here, each recipe is a meticulously crafted document, plan, framework, or strategy from the world of parks and recreation.

We're talking:

And yes…we have recipes on how to deal with: Pickleball.

We save you time and effort by offering practical knowledge you can use immediately.

Parks and Rec Professionals wear a lot of hats

Within the last year you may have opened a new Community Center, promoted a new Public Art exhibit, or hired and onboarded new employees.

City Council’s demand action, and too frequently our day is spent in meetings, checking HR “boxes”, or updating a job description because you just lost an employee to another city who could pay $1.25/hr more than you.

Your 1-on-1 with your boss is next Tuesday and they’ll ask about your research and recommendation on a new policy for a temporary off-leash dog park.

As a modern day public servant, the skillset required for success has evolved.

Recognizing this evolution in my own work, I started

We save you time and effort by offering practical knowledge you can use immediately.

What can you expect?

One “how-to”: A step-by-step guide on a hot topic in parks and recreation, that you can implement immediately.

One case study: An executive summary of projects from leading departments around the nation.

One popular recipe: Our most popular recipe from the previous week, with insights and next steps.

Once a week: Delivered to you inbox.

One quick question for you…

I have ONE question I’d like to ask you. If you have 24 seconds, it would mean a lot.

What’s going on in your world that led you to sign up for this newsletter?

Could you e-mail us and tell me what challenges you’re facing in your parks and recreation journey. I try to respond to every email that hits my inbox.



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One "how-to". One case study. One popular recipe. Once a week

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