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Rising Demand of Cricket

Rising Demand of Cricket

Written by:
Published on:
July 2, 2022
Created at:
City of Redmond, WA

Development and integration of cricket facilities and programming

Table of contents

Crickets growing appeal within Parks and Recreation

Context: The summary highlights the rising demand for cricket facilities on the west coast, driven by demographic changes and growing community interest. It details the use of existing sports fields for cricket, the absence of dedicated cricket pitches, and the challenges in accommodating the sport within current park configurations. The document also explores the potential for incorporating cricket into future park planning, considering space requirements and community engagement.

Go Deeper: The document is a valuable resource for understanding the intricacies of introducing a new sport into existing recreational spaces, and it outlines the steps being taken by the City to address the growing demand for cricket facilities.

Who's it for: Ideal for Park Planners, Recreation Managers, and Community Engagement Specialists, especially those focusing on diversifying sports offerings and meeting the evolving recreational needs of a diverse community.

Population: 73,000


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