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Public Art Master Plan

Public Art Master Plan

Written by:
Published on:
January 1, 2017
Created at:
City of Redmond, WA

A strategic document that identifies funding mechanisms, and a new framework for incorporating art in the public realm

Table of contents

How to craft a vision for public art

Context: The plan envisions a dynamic city where art is integral to community vibrancy and character, propelled by four main themes: Intertwining systems, Mosaic hybrid, Intellectual playground, and Power of place.

The plan outlines strategies for commissioning public art, involving artists in urban development, and fostering community engagement through art. It emphasizes the use of art to connect people, enrich public spaces, and reflect the city's evolving identity, blending technology, nature, and culture. This comprehensive approach seeks to make Redmond a regional destination for innovative public art, enhancing the quality of life and cultural landscape. Several visual examples allows any department to garner new understandings of integrating Public Art in their own jurisdiction.

Go deeper: A new methodology Leading with Art and Cultural Engagement (LACE) is discussed and used for identifying and funding public art projects. The plan also defines "Public Art", gives a framework for implementing art into the urban environment and outlines a vision of how art will be utilized as the city continues to develop. Several graphs and tactics are discussed such as a process for prioritizing integrated public art in all projects.

Zoom in: The plan provides actionable steps (like updates to the 1% for public art ordinance, and establishes new funding strategies) with specific language that would expand the definition of "art" and the potential uses throughout the city.


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