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Parks and Recreation Director

Parks and Recreation Director

Written by:
Published on:
April 15, 2024
Created at:
City of Hillsboro, OR

Forward thinking leadership requested

Table of contents

Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Hillsboro

Salary: $140,056 - $184,305

Summary of duties:

  • Implement the newly adopted Parks & Recreation System Plan. Realize the updated vision for a system of Parks, Trails, Recreation, Natural Areas, Maintenance, Arts & Culture, Events, Public Spaces, and other services that will best serve the community for the next 50 years and beyond, with an immediate focus on the next 15 years.
  • Collaborate with staff to implement the Parks & Recreation Department Employee Climate Survey recommendations, which include initiatives around workload and time management, understaffing and hiring challenges, communication and decision-making, and management and supervisory practices.
  • Engage staff in developing a Parks & Recreation Strategic Plan. Establish transparent goals and priorities and commit to regularly assessing, monitoring, and adjusting workload demand to ensure sufficient capacity exists and resources are properly allocated.
  • Effectively collaborate with the Hillsboro Hops on the Ballpark Project and redesign of Gordon Faber Recreation Complex (GFRC). Support the team in its continuing efforts to meet new Major League Baseball (MLB) “High A” full-season baseball requirements and successfully partner to ensure GFRC continues to be a destination location for sporting events and a hub for community sports activities.
  • Consider the proper timing, funding, planning, resources, and needs of the community to realize future projects that could include: the Hidden Creek Community Center Pool, South Hillsboro Community Park, and Crescent Park Greenway.
  • In collaboration with staff, continue to implement the Cultural Arts Action Plan. Nurture a creative, vibrant, culturally authentic, and sustainable Hillsboro by increasing awareness of arts and culture, encouraging accessibility, supporting and showcasing creative expression, interweaving public art throughout the city, and improving the economic strength of our creative sector.
  • Develop and maintain positive long-term relationships built on trust and mutual respect with City Leadership, City departments, Parks & Recreation staff, and members of the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Hillsboro Arts & Culture Council.
  • Have fun! Lots of fun!

Reports to: Deputy City Manager

Population size: 107,000


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