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...are final drafts of documents, like an RFP for Recreation Software, Special Event Permitting Guide, or a Marketing & Communications Plan - thorough, well-crafted, and ready for action.

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Leadership Blueprint

Leadership Blueprint

Written by:
Published on:
November 24, 2023
Created at:
Parks & Recipes Exclusive

Become a better manager or supervisor

Table of contents

How to become a better supervisor within Parks and Recreation

Purpose: Luc Levesque, Chief Growth Officer at Spotify came up with the concept of a “leadership blueprint”. We usually stumble our way into figuring out our leaders/bosses quirks by trial and error, which isn’t fun and really inefficient. Putting together a "blueprint" could help your next direct report get to know you and what you value without any guesswork.

Context: There is more to just sending this document out, and in the words of Luc himself:

"A few people have asked if I just email the blueprint to the team. No, I don’t. I sit down with everyone on my team, one-on-one, and we talk through the blueprint together. There’s a subtle difference but it’s hugely important. By talking through the blueprint, face-to-face, it gives me the chance to answer questions, add context and refine the message specifically for that individual.

I find it’s the discussion that the blueprint facilitates that’s most valuable.

In fact, simply emailing the blueprint to your team might actually cause more harm than good because it’s possible that the intent is misinterpreted. As we all know, tone & body language communicate 80% of the message, the written blueprint just makes it easy to have that discussion."

Try it for yourself: Email us to request a blank template so you can create your own blueprint.


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Writers notes

As I try and grow as a parks and recreation leader, I hope that my blueprint is something that will be valuable to my next direct report.

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