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Framework for Developing Adaptive Recreation Programs

Framework for Developing Adaptive Recreation Programs

Written by:
Published on:
April 5, 2024
Created at:
Parks & Recipes

Inclusive recreation for all abilities

Table of contents

Adaptive Recreation Program Framework

Why it matters: The “Framework for Developing Adaptive Recreation Programs” helps municipal parks and recreation departments create inclusive environments that accommodate individuals of all abilities. This structured approach ensures that adaptive programs are tailored to community needs, promoting equity and accessibility.


Community Needs Assessment: Understand the unique needs of individuals with disabilities by conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews. This step identifies gaps in services and areas with high demand for adaptive recreation opportunities.

Stakeholder Engagement: Involve key stakeholders, including individuals with disabilities, advocates, and community leaders, in the planning process. Regular meetings and partnerships with local organizations ensure diverse perspectives are considered.

Go deeper: The framework includes conducting accessibility audits, developing diverse adaptive programs, training staff, securing resources, and marketing the programs. Accessibility audits assess the physical and programmatic accessibility of facilities, while program development focuses on creating inclusive activities that cater to different interests and abilities. Staff training and resource allocation are crucial for sustaining high-quality adaptive programs.


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