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E-bike Rules Within Park Systems

E-bike Rules Within Park Systems

Written by:
Published on:
June 24, 2024
Created at:
Parks & Recipes

E-bike regulations within Parks and Recreation departments

Table of contents

Managing E-bikes in Public Park Systems

Why it matters: The E-Bike Rules within Parks document provides an overview of how different park systems manage the use of electric bicycles (e-bikes). It addresses the classification of e-bikes and their permitted uses, which helps balance recreational access with safety and environmental protection.

E-bike classifications:

Class 1: Pedal-assist only, max speed 20 mph.

Class 2: Throttle-assist, max speed 20 mph.

Class 3: Pedal-assist only, max speed 28 mph, often restricted to roads and bike lanes.

Regional Examples:

King County, WA: Allows Class 1 and 2 e-bikes on regional trails with a 15 mph speed limit, but restricts them on unpaved backcountry trails.

University Park, TX: Requires helmets for riders under 16, prohibits e-bikes on sidewalks in commercial districts, and mandates speed limits appropriate to conditions.

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD): Allows e-bikes on narrower trails at the discretion of individual park systems and is currently conducting a survey to gather public input on new e-bike regulations.


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