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DEI 5 Year Roadmap

Written by:
Published on:
July 1, 2022
Created at:
City of Kirkland, WA

Building an Inclusive Future

Table of contents

Why it matters: The City of Kirkland set out to create a strategic course for fostering an inclusive community. This comprehensive plan outlines actionable goals to promote equity across city operations, policies, and community interactions. This is not solely focused on parks and recreation, yet the entire city as a whole.


Purpose: Adopted in July 2022, this roadmap is designed to guide Kirkland on a journey toward greater diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. It includes objectives that span leadership, community services, partnerships, and more, emphasizing that meaningful Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work requires collaboration and new ways of thinking.

Structure: The roadmap is organized around six goal areas: Leadership, Operations, and Services; Plans, Policies, and Budgets; Workplace & Workforce; Community Partnerships; Communications & Education; and Facility & System Improvements. Each area includes specific goals and objectives with clear actions and timelines. For instance, in the Communication & Education section (Goal 13.1) they will:

"Kirkland, like other communities in East King County, has experienced a shift in demographics over the last several years, including an increase in English language learners. The City values the contributions of all members of the community and makes every effort to ensure that language is not a barrier to engagement with the City. As such, staff will increase City-wide language access and interpretation resources through standardized processes and creation of a City Language Access Plan, including training to all departments on use."

Go deeper: The roadmap emphasizes regular checkpoints and performance measures to ensure progress and transparency. Key initiatives include creating a DEIB Manager position, restructuring the Diversity Services Team, implementing community responder programs, and incorporating equity impact assessments into planning and budgeting processes. Community engagement and collaboration are central to the roadmap, with a focus on reducing barriers to participation and enhancing communication with marginalized groups.

Population: 93,570 residents.

Who it’s for: This document is essential for City Managers, DEI Officers, Community Leaders, and Public Administrators. It provides a detailed framework for integrating DEIB principles into municipal operations and fostering a more inclusive community.


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