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Citywide Communications Plan

Citywide Communications Plan

Written by:
Published on:
August 1, 2022
Created at:
City of Lacey, WA

Lacey provides a pathway to accurate and timely information to their community

Table of contents

Enhancing citywide communication and community involvement

Context: The plan, covering 2022-2027, emphasizes improving connections between the city and its diverse communities. It focuses on strategic, transparent, and accessible communication, while addressing the need for inclusive public engagement. The plan is detailed, offering targeted actions, goals, and timelines for both internal and external communication efforts in the city of 55,000 and home to a military base.

Go deeper: The document provides a framework for ensuring more effective, relevant, and timely internal and external communications as the City adapts and proactively responds to its rapidly and constantly changing environment going from a small suburban town, to a full-service city. We particularly love the section identifying the personas or target audiences they are targeting with communications, as well as the key messages such as "Military-Friendly, Business-Friendly, and Welcoming/Dynamic".

Who's it for: Over 100+ pages long, this is a comprehensive approach and strategic document that will allow others to emulate if tasked with research or implementation of something similar. It looks like they utilized the services of J Robertson + Company, who was the consultant on the project. A significant amount of time and effort was spent on this, and it shows.

Population size: 54,000


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